Chemical analyses

Nemko Norlab conducts a wide range of chemical analyses related to environmental investigations and quality control of raw materials and products. From well-equipped, modern laboratories, we deliver inorganic and organic analyses for industrial customers and research organizations. We also provide customized testing.

Nemko Norlab delivers customised outsourced laboratory solutions to a number of industrial companies.

Pool water

The Norwegian regulations relating to water parks, public pools and saunas are set down in Regulations for public pools in Norway.



The Norwegian regulations relating to water parks, public pools and saunas are set down in Regulations for public pools in Norway. Read at Lovdata (in Norwegian).

Before starting to collect samples, you are advised to contact our laboratories for guidance on sampling and to request sample bottles.

The pool water must be hygienically satisfactory. The water must be clear, colourless, and inviting for bathers. It must be possible to see the bottom of the pool in all areas.

For pools, water quality parameter analyses must be conducted at adequate sampling intervals to keep track of the pool water quality and to ensure satisfactory hygienic conditions for the operation of the pool.

Poor hygienic conditions may, among other things, result in infections and rashes.  

The following parameters shall be checked regularly:


Parameter Limit value
Colour 5 mg/l Pt
Turbidity 0.5 FTU
pH 7.2-7.6
Microorganisms 37°C (total number of bacteria) 10 cfu/ml
Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0 cfu/100 ml
Chemical oxygen consumption -KOF-Mn 4 mg/l O

    The following parameters should be checked regularly:

    • coliforms
    • E. coli
    • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • thermotolerant coliform bacteria
    • intestinal enterococci
    • alkalinity
    • free chlorine
    • combined chlorine

    Additionally, shower facilities must be safe from a health perspective and the bathing facility operator must ensure that the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria is prevented.

    Our laboratories in food, environment and veterinary medicine accept pool samples and can conduct statutory analyses.

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is pathogenic in humans and can cause respiratory infections, infections in wounds, eyes, ears, and the urinary tract, as well as stomach upsets.

    The Pseudomonas family thrives in water and can be found in damp areas.

    Sampling practicalities

    Analyses subject to the Norwegian Regulations for Water Parks, Public Pools and Saunas can be performed by Nemko Norlab. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information and sample packaging.

    Shipping forms can be found on our resources page.

    Why Nemko Norlab?

    • Nemko Norlab is an accredited laboratory and offers a wide range of accredited analyses.
    • We use accredited subcontractors as needed.
    • We offer extended reporting, including assessment of analysis results against any limit values.
    • We can assist with sample collection if required by the customer.
    • We provide sample bottles and return packaging at no additional cost.
    Norsk Akkreditering
    Title Address Description
    Axel Sellægs veg 3, 7800 Namsos, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Namdal
    Axel Sellægs veg 3
    7805 Namsos

    Nemko Norlab AS, Namdal
    Postboks 433 Sentrum
    7801 Namsos

    Tlf: 950 11 613
    Epost: namdal

    Vefsnvegen 11, 8656 Mosjøen, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS
    Vefsnveien 11
    8656 Mosjøen

    Tlf: 909 84 602
    Epost: mosjoen

    Sørfjordveien 170, 7113 Husbysjøen, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Fosen
    Sørfjordveien 170
    7113 Husbysjøen

    Tlf: 950 91 420
    Epost: fosen

    Wilhelm Dalls vei 50, 6511 Kristiansund, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Kristiansund
    Wilhelm Dalls vei 50
    6511 Kristiansund

    Tlf: 924 79 492
    Epost: kristiansund

    Lenningsveien 27, 8900 Brønnøysund, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Brønnøysund
    Lenningsveien 27
    8900 Brønnøysund

    Tlf: 910 07 170
    Epost: bronnoysund

    Nordfrøyveien 413, 7260 Sistranda, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Frøya
    Nordfrøyveien 413
    7260 Sistranda

    Tlf: 957 82 370
    Epost: froya

    Industrivegen 19, 6080 Gurskøy, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Sunnmøre
    Industrivegen 19
    6080 Gurskøy

    Tlf: 924 78 692
    Epost: sunnmore

    Eikremsvingen 4, 6422 Molde, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Molde
    Eikremsvingen 4
    6422 Molde

    Tlf: 924 79 892
    Epost: molde

    Svartvassvegen 2, 6650 Surnadal, Norge

    Nemko Norlab AS, Surnadal
    Svartvassvegen 2
    6650 Surnadal

    Tlf: 71 65 55 70
    Epost: surnadal

    Johan Ahlin

    Johan Ahlin

    Senior Engineer Food, Environment, and Veterinary Medicine

    Quality manager chemical analyses, drinking water analyses, environmental surveys, water and sewerage local authorities

     +47 918 84 727

    Anne Kristin Gussiås

    Anne Kristin Gussiås

    Department Engineer Food, Environment and Veterinary Medicine

    Quality manager microbiology, microbiological analyses water and food, market coordinator


     +47 901 17 895