Chemical analyses
Nemko Norlab conducts a wide range of chemical analyses related to environmental investigations and quality control of raw materials and products. From well-equipped, modern laboratories, we deliver inorganic and organic analyses for industrial customers and research organizations. We also provide customized testing.
Nemko Norlab delivers customised outsourced laboratory solutions to a number of industrial companies.
Customized analyses
Nemko Norlab’s interdisciplinary expertise in the analysis of anything from raw materials to finished products, environmental analyses of emissions to soil, water, and air enables us to undertake customized analyses for research and development projects. We currently provide organic and inorganic analyses for several industrial customers and research organizations throughout Norway. For examples of projects: fingerprinting of contaminants(biogenic vs petrogenic toluene), source identification of oil, screening of biofuels, particle characterization in cosmetics, R&D support for industry.

Hege Karlsen
Head Chemistry and Materials
Organic analytical chemistry, environmental analyses

Katharina Scheidl
Group Leader Porsgrunn