Environment and society
The intersection of accurate chemical measurements and engineering integrity; being a valued part of industrial value chains; and contributing to the environment. That’s us.
The above values are core for our us, for our employees, and for our owners. We hope that you will take the time to read more about how the above manifests itself in real laboratoty life.
“At Nemko Norlab, we understand our customers’ needs and can offer our services along the entire value chain, from raw materials to finished products and from indoor environmental quality to emissions. We offer competitive services that provide industry with a competitive edge and credibility within the environmental area.
We help our customers perform at their best in global competition – in their world championships.”
The lab industry’s contribution to a sustainable future
We believe that the lab industry has an important role in developing a sustainable economy, for both non-circular and circular material streams.
For non-circular material streams such role concerns the reporting of emissions, process optimization, reduction of waste, and optimal disposal. For circular material streams it includes assessing or measuring waste streams (for say chemical content, contamination, and mechanical properties) to enable sorting, reprocessing, and recycling.
Environmental policy
Nemko Norlab wants through good environmental policies to contribute to a sustainable future. Through our accredited laboratories and our services we will i) contribute to our customer’ green shift; and ii) reduce our own environmental footprint.
Nemko Norlab shall:
- comply with environmental rules and regulations from the authorities
- identify and reduce sources of pollution, and implement preventive measures
- demonstrate environmental responsibility in all our business areas, and be environmentally conscious regarding choice of type of transportation
- minimize the use of health-damaging chemicals in own operations, and contribute to the development of analysis methods that require smaller sample quantities, require smaller volumes of chemicals, enable the substitution t chemicals with smaller footprint, or contribute to safer handling of chemicals
- continuously improve the environmental management system, and ensure vigilant focus on environmental issues by our employees
- through thoughtful selection and development of suppliers, influence their focus on environmental improvements
Responsible for external environmental reporting: Monica Hagen, HSE manager, email: monica.hagen@nemkonorlab.com or tel: +47 902 54 733.
Code of Conduct
Nemko Norlab’s code of conduct is specified in our conduct code.
Integrity, business conduct and objectivity in all actions and relationships are key components. These are crucial for our reputation, and our reputation is crucial to our ability to retain and attract new customers, as well as new talent.
We work continuously to ensure compliance with the code at all levels – for the safety of our customers and for our market position.
Roots and presence in Norway’s largest industrial clusters, and thick links to major R&D organizations
We have our roots in major Norwegian industrial clusters, including Mo Industripark, Herøya Industripark, and Glomfjord. We have also thick links to SINTEF, one of Europe’s larges research organizations.
Below you can see how we evolved from in-house lab at Norsk Jernverk to what we are today. Click on the picture to expand.
Participation in joint R&D activities
Nemko Norlab contributes actively to state of the art in the laboratory field throug participation in various R&D projects. In many of these projects we work with various parts of the SINTEF group, mostly SINTEF Helgeland and SINTEF Digital. Our role in these projects spans from project owner to contributing industry partner.
Examples of current projects include DetecDiff (for automatic detection and quantification of diffuse emissions based on camera data and machine learning), PAHssion (for improved measurement of PAH in the metallurgical industry), Circulus (for sustainable renewal of concrete), and CiVaCh (for value chains for recycling of plastic waste from the aquiculture industry).
Active role in local communities
We aim to be a positive and visible driving force within our local communities. Nemko Norlab supports several local clubs, associations, and events.
We are particularly excited to have the opportunity to sponsor STEM events and clubs in which children and young people have a chance to develop and challenge themselves on topics associated with Nemko Norlab’s field of work.