SINTEF Norlab will, as part of the merger, change names to Nemko Norlab, but otherwise continue their business operations as usual.
A strengthened combined entity
The aim of combining SINTEF Norlab and Nemko is increased opportunities for both businesses to expand their operations and activities, both in Norway and globally.
Integrating SINTEF Norlab’s strong skillset within materials and chemistry testing with Nemko’s global market access services and competencies within testing, inspection and certification of electrical products, components and systems, we will be able to meet existing and future customers’ demands in a competent and cost-efficient manner and offer one-stop-shop services worldwide.
Nemko is a global organization that offers market access services to more than 150 countries, while SINTEF Norlab solely supports Norwegian customers today. The acquisition will strengthen the position of Nemko in the Norwegian home market and provide an opportunity for SINTEF Norlab to expand beyond Norwegian borders through Nemko’s international customer base.
CEO of SINTEF Norlab, Eigil Dåbakk said: “The combined entity formed following the transaction between Nemko and SINTEF Norlab will bring exciting development opportunities to both our businesses. Our highly skilled work force and our strong presence in Norway represents growth opportunities for Nemko that we look forward to supporting, while Nemko’s global presence and experience with helping customers globally comply with increasingly complex requirements will bring new opportunities to both employees and customers at SINTEF Norlab.”
Nemko Norlab and Nemko Group combined
• 240 employees in Norway
• 750 employees worldwide
• 16 offices and labs in Norway and presence across Europe, North America, Asia, the Middle East and Africa
• Scope of services include testing, inspection and certification services concerning products and systems as well as environmental monitoring, chemical analyses, microbiology, and veterinary medicine.
• Combined customer base of 9000 companies
CEO of SINTEF Norlab, Eigil Dåbakk, will remain in place as CEO of Nemko Norlab and join Nemko’s Extended Management Team.
Learn more about Nemko by visiting their website:
Learn more about SINTEF Norlab by visiting their website: